
Liberals in the West Coast have been facing criticism for the state of cities in their control, such as homelessness, crime, and dysfunction. This has led some centrist voters to question why liberals should be trusted with national leadership when they are struggling to address these issues locally.

As a liberal myself, I acknowledge that there are challenges that need to be addressed. While we may champion the idea that housing is a human right, the reality is that many people are still without homes. There seems to be a disconnect between our values and the actual outcomes we are achieving.

Critics on the conservative side argue that the left is to blame for the problems in cities like San Francisco, but the data tells a different story. Democratic states generally have higher life expectancies, higher per capita GDP, lower child poverty rates, and better education outcomes compared to Republican states. The disparity in well-being between blue and red states continues to widen.

It’s important to recognize that there are issues that need to be tackled and improvements that need to be made. While there are certainly areas where liberals can do better, it’s also crucial to acknowledge the positive impact that liberal policies have had in other aspects of society.

As we move forward, it’s essential for liberals to address the shortcomings in their policies and work towards creating real progress in the communities they serve. By learning from past mistakes and focusing on concrete solutions, we can build a better future for all.