resim 599
resim 599

Four senior citizens in Hanover witnessed a crime and intervened. The pensioners caught the criminal and handed him over to the police.

A group of senior citizens prevented a crime in Hanover. They caught a bicycle thief in the act, pursued him and finally handed him over to the police for arrest.

The three pensioners and one pensioner had observed a 49-year-old man tampering with a parked Pedelec in front of Herrenhausen Castle, as the police announced on Monday. The man opened the safety lock of the bicycle on Thursday evening using an angle grinder and with clearly visible flying sparks. According to the information, the 49-year-old then sat on the bike and wanted to escape – until the seniors intervened. 

According to a police spokesman, the three women, aged 68, 77 and 83, and the 68-year-old man gave chase on foot and held onto the bicycle. The thief then left the bike behind and tried to escape from the seniors by twisting, pushing and pushing.

“But he did the math without the lively senior group,” the police said. While the 77-year-old woman alerted the police, the other seniors held the man until the officers arrived, it was said.

The police called the group’s “courageous action” an “exemplary case of moral courage.” The officers found additional burglary tools in the 49-year-old’s backpack. A judge ordered the man to be remanded in custody. 

According to the statement, the owner of the Pedelec contacted the police that same evening to file a report. Instead, she was able to take back her confiscated bicycle worth 2,500 euros. 

Another theft also recently made the headlines. One man reported: “I was robbed during my flight.” Money was stolen from his wallet. Two of his cards have also disappeared.

In the Erzgebirgskreis, around 1,000 Ukrainian refugees are urgently looking for accommodation. A letter from the district office asks them to vacate their current apartments by mid-June.

The number of failures in the driving test has reached a new record high. A driving instructor now reveals why he thinks this is the case.