Are the French the European champions of infidelity? According to the latest European Infidelity Observatory produced in collaboration with Yougov for the dating site Gleeden, the answer is no. The title goes to our Italian neighbors: “More than half of Italian men (49%) and 41% of Italian women admit to having already violated the principle of sexual exclusivity in a relationship”. In France, this rate is 42%, men and women combined.
On the other hand, “the French are the most inclined to be unfaithful (26%) if no one found out”, far ahead:
In the slideshow below, find out when the French consider that infidelity begins.
Cheating is more and more common in couples all over the world. The reasons for infidelity are many and varied. Here are the causes most often put forward in couples in France, as indicated by the European Observatory of Infidelity:
To know if your partner is cheating on you, Planet has already told you the different signs to pay attention to.