
Dean Inserra, the pastor of City Church in Tallahassee, Florida, delivered a powerful sermon at the 2024 SBC Annual Meeting in Indianapolis. He spoke about the importance of focusing on Jesus and not getting distracted by the things of this world. Inserra reminded Southern Baptists of the great cloud of witnesses who have gone before them and encouraged them to run the race with endurance.

He quoted former SBC leaders and emphasized the significance of believing in the truth of the Bible. Inserra pointed out that distractions, especially those related to online perceptions and the desire to fit in, can hinder the mission of the SBC. He urged Southern Baptists to stay true to their faith and not be swayed by outside influences.

Inserra highlighted the importance of maintaining a strong Gospel doctrine and Gospel culture within churches. He warned against infighting and emphasized the need to focus on Jesus, who embodied grace and truth. The pastor expressed his concern for the younger generation of believers and stressed the importance of staying united in Christ.

Despite the challenges and divisions within the SBC, Inserra encouraged members to continue striving for the Gospel. He emphasized the significance of missions, church planting, and training new pastors. The pastor urged Southern Baptists to remain faithful to their calling and to keep running the race with perseverance.

In conclusion, Inserra reminded his audience that their shared mission and commitment to Christ make the challenges and struggles worthwhile. He encouraged them to stay focused on the road paved with truth and grace, following the example of Jesus Christ. The pastor’s message resonated with the attendees, reminding them of the importance of unity and perseverance in their faith journey.