(Los Angeles) The second episode of the animated film Inside Out 2, dedicated to the horrors of adolescence, made a splash at the North American box office, taking in $155 million upon its release, according to data provided Sunday by the specialist firm Exhibitor Relations.

In this highly anticipated sequel to the film from Pixar and Disney studios, the heroine, Riley, discovers new emotions with puberty: Anxiety, Boredom, Embarrassment, or even Desire.

The teenager relegates to second place in the ranking the Bad Boys 4 fifty-year-olds Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, who have accumulated 112 million dollars in two weeks of operation.

The primates of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, the latest installment of the science fiction saga, jumped two places, with 5.2 million dollars in one weekend, for a total of more than 157 million dollars in six weeks.

In fourth place, The Garfield Movie, Sony’s adaptation of the humorous adventures of the famous cat, is losing ground, but has grossed $78.5 million in three weeks.

The Watchers, a horror thriller directed by Ishana Shyamalan, daughter of the filmmaker of the same name, also fell to fifth position, with more than $13 million cumulatively.