
Exclusive Look Inside the 2024 De Niro Con in NYC

The 2024 De Niro Con took place in New York City on June 6, 2024, giving fans an exclusive look at memorabilia and images from Robert De Niro’s iconic career. The event, held at Spring Studios, showcased items such as De Niro’s taxicab license, movie posters, and even costumes worn by the legendary actor.

Attendees, including Sam Gill, Jay Rinsky, and Luke Neher, were able to immerse themselves in the world of Robert De Niro, exploring various displays and exhibits. From his early films to more recent projects, the 2024 De Niro Con offered a comprehensive look at the actor’s impact on the entertainment industry.

Fans marveled at the opportunity to see rare artifacts up close, such as De Niro’s taxicab license and the costume he wore in “The Last Tycoon.” The event also featured screenings of some of De Niro’s most famous films, allowing attendees to relive classic moments from his illustrious career.

Overall, the 2024 De Niro Con was a celebration of one of Hollywood’s most respected actors, giving fans a unique glimpse into the life and work of Robert De Niro. The event left attendees inspired and nostalgic, highlighting the lasting legacy of this cinematic icon.