
The co-hosts of “The View” discussed the upcoming debate between President Biden and former President Trump and what each candidate needs to do to have a successful performance. They raised concerns that Trump might bring up Hunter Biden during the debate, which could be a trigger point for Biden.

The panelists suggested that Biden should aim to rattle Trump and make him emotional during the debate. However, there were differing opinions on how Biden should approach this. Some suggested that Biden should mock Trump and get under his skin, while others believed that Biden should focus on calm topics to contrast Trump’s emotional reactions.

There was also a discussion about the potential consequences if Trump decides to criticize Hunter Biden during the debate. Some panelists expressed confidence in Biden’s ability to handle such attacks, while others warned that Trump might be at his own peril if he goes down that road. They highlighted the fact that addiction is a widespread issue that has touched many American families, including the Trump family.

Overall, the panelists emphasized the importance of Biden staying composed and focused during the debate, while also being prepared to counter any potential attacks from Trump. The debate is expected to be a crucial moment in the election campaign, and both candidates will need to deliver strong performances to sway undecided voters.