
I have always been a strong supporter of a woman’s right to choose, especially because I once had to make that choice myself. I believe that a woman’s decision to have an abortion should be respected, even if the father disagrees. The impact on a woman’s life in such situations is far greater than that of the father.

But what about cases where the situation is reversed? What if the father, in this case my son, does not want to have a child, but the woman, his ex-girlfriend, decides to keep the pregnancy? The pregnancy is unexpected due to a medical issue with the father, and the couple’s relationship is already doomed to fail even without the pregnancy. The woman does not have a supportive partner or a job, and she is already caring for a child from a previous relationship. Her decision to continue with the pregnancy is seen as reckless and harmful to her mental health by those around her.

Is it fair to force someone to become a parent against their will, even if it is just in name? Many people, including myself, would argue that it is not fair when it comes to women. However, recent events have shown how complicated and controversial this issue can be. A man who never wanted to be a parent and was told he could never be one may find himself in a situation where his wishes are disregarded. While he may have financial responsibilities, what about his moral obligations?

The Ethicist raises important questions about the woman’s decision to have a second child, aside from the involvement of the son. While we do not have all the information, it is possible that she has moral objections to abortion. However, it may not be wise for her to have another child given her current circumstances.

When considering the views of the biological father, it is essential to acknowledge that he believed he was infertile and acted responsibly based on medical advice. In the event that the child is born, he may need to seek a paternity test to confirm his biological connection.

Overall, the situation raises complex ethical and moral questions about reproductive rights, parental responsibilities, and personal choices. It is crucial to consider the well-being of all parties involved and to navigate these sensitive issues with empathy and understanding.