A house for the equivalent of 3,500 euros – most people can only dream of that. Not so for Alex Cassidy. The young man actually spent very little on his new home on a Caribbean island.

Alex Cassidy is only 22 years old and yet he has built himself a small house – on an island in the Caribbean. He only spent £3,000 (around €3,540) on his property, he reports on TikTok.

The Brit’s home is located on a property in Tobago that belongs to his stepfather. Alex began collecting the materials in January 2023, writes the “Mirror”. Construction began in January 2024. The musician was supported by local workers.

The house was finished in March. “It’s a really open space with a bed, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. It’s very simple,” Alex describes his home according to the Mirror.

The man, who spends six months a year in Tobago, no longer has to pay rent. Some things still cost something, however. For example, electricity and wifi. He pays about £33 every three months for electricity, he says on TikTok. Wifi costs about £30 to £40 over the same period.

He is convinced of his idea of ​​building his own house. He would rather live here than in a house costing £300,000 for which he has to pay a mortgage for 35 years.

Another Briton has also decided to buy property abroad. Businessman George Laing has bought a run-down building on the island of Sicily for one euro. The Sun reports this. The 31-year-old tells the newspaper that he is “happier than ever”.

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