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Jacques Chirac was a ladies’ man. It’s no secret: in addition to Jacqueline Chabridon, one of the most important adulterous adventures of the former president who died on September 26, 2019, the naked women of the plane or Bernadette Chirac, the wife of always, he there was also another mistress. This other woman was Elisabeth Friederich.

Like Jacqueline Chabridon, she was a journalist. And like her, recalls the magazine people Gala, she knew the future tenant of the Élysée Palace before he reached the highest offices of the State. In the 1980s, she was accredited to the Paris City Hall, where she covered news for Agence France Presse.

Their love story, which therefore began after the breakup with Jacqueline Chabridon, lasted more than a decade, according to the book Le roman des Chirac: Enquête sur 60 ans d’amour et d’ambition, published by Michel Deltin-Palas published by Michel Lafon. In total, the two lovebirds would have dated for 15 years.

Until the day when the former boss of the RPR managed to conquer the Élysée Palace. “Distinguished”, Elisabeth Friederich would have agreed to stay in the shadows but must then face the facts. “We guessed what she was thinking: ‘Here, I’m losing the man I loved'”, said one of his colleagues at the time.

It was in 2001 that the general public learned of the existence of this umpteenth adulterous relationship, notes Gala. Until then, the story had remained secret. Problem ? Ten years after the end of this adventure, a completely different scandal broke out: that of plane tickets paid for in cash. The former President of the Republic, explains L’Humanité, is accused of having paid for purely personal trips, particularly to Mauritius, with money from commissions that Le Monde designates as “occult”. Many of his relatives, including Elisabeth Friederich, would have benefited from these stays. In 2005, underlines the evening daily, justice dropped the charges.

According to Gala, this controversy hid that of the adultery of Jacques Chirac. The latter would have received his mistress in a luxurious palace in Mauritius … But the anecdotes about the infidelities of the former head of state do not stop there. In 1975, he would have flown to the West Indies during the end of year celebrations, leaving Bernadette Chirac alone with their daughters. He would have actually joined Jacqueline Chabridon, journalist at Le Figaro, explains Gala.

“Around Jacques Chirac, there were a lot of journalists, and all the journalists were protecting Jacques Chirac from the affair he was supposed to have with one of the journalists who were there,” Jacques Toubon told France 2, according to our reports. colleagues. Very loving, Jacques Chirac would have multiplied the gifts for his mistress, under the gaze of Bernadette Chirac.

But Jacques Chirac never expressed the wish to divorce, despite his various adventures, indicates Current Woman. According to the biographies of Erwan L’Éléouet and Jean Garrigues, Bernadette Chirac would have managed to put an end to the relationship between her husband and the journalist, through Marie-France Garaud, adviser to the politician. The latter would have agreed to break up, very briefly, after two years of passion. After this difficult break, Jacqueline Chabridon tried to end her life. Jacques Chirac would not even have heard from him…