
Actress Jane Fonda recently defended President Biden’s mental acuity in an interview with CNN, emphasizing that he is “just fine.” Fonda, who is 86 years old and older than Biden, expressed her support for the President, highlighting that age brings wisdom and experience. She mentioned that she has seen Biden up close and personal, and believes he is perfectly suited to be the President of the United States.

During the interview, Fonda responded to comments made by Jill Biden about her husband at a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Jill Biden praised President Biden’s effectiveness and emphasized that his age is not a hindrance but an asset. Fonda echoed these sentiments, comparing Biden to his predecessor, whom she referred to as the “Orange Man.” She emphasized the importance of working with a leader like Biden rather than a demagogue.

In addition to defending Biden’s mental fitness, Fonda also discussed the urgency of addressing the climate crisis. As a vocal climate activist, she expressed her belief that electing Biden is crucial in confronting this existential threat. Fonda stressed the importance of taking action quickly to combat climate change, especially for the sake of future generations.

Fonda’s support for Biden is further underscored by her involvement in the “Seniors for Biden-Harris” initiative, which aims to mobilize older voters in support of the Democratic ticket. She and Jill Biden launched the initiative in Reno, Nevada, emphasizing the value of wisdom and experience that older individuals bring to the table.

Overall, Fonda’s defense of President Biden’s mental acuity, along with her advocacy for addressing the climate crisis, highlights her commitment to supporting Biden’s presidency. Her remarks serve as a reminder that age should not be a barrier to effective leadership, and that wisdom and experience are valuable assets in guiding the country forward.