
President Joe Biden, with over half a century of experience in Washington, knows how to navigate politics and work across party lines. However, in today’s divisive political climate, his old-school approach is not always well-received.

Recently, President Biden found himself at odds with Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer over how to handle a debt ceiling clash. While the Democrats had temporarily avoided a national default with Republican aid, a broader deal was still needed. President Biden was upset with Schumer for publicly criticizing Republicans, feeling that it was unhelpful and unnecessary.

Despite facing hostility, anger, and polarization in today’s political landscape, President Biden remains committed to his backslapping, deal-making style. This approach has led to significant legislative achievements during his time in office, establishing him as one of the most prolific legislative masters since President Lyndon B. Johnson. However, it has not been as successful in uniting a deeply divided country.

President Biden, who took office at the age of 81 with more public office experience than any other president in history, faces a political landscape vastly different from the one he entered in the 1970s. While traditional accomplishments like building infrastructure and reducing healthcare costs are still important, they may not be enough to bridge the deep divides fueled by tribalism, populism, and social media misinformation.

As President Biden prepares to defend his presidency in a nationally televised debate, he continues to grapple with the challenges of modern politics. Despite his extensive experience, he must adapt to the changing political climate and find new ways to bring unity to a fractured nation.

In conclusion, President Biden’s old-school political instincts have served him well in the past, but in today’s divisive political climate, he faces new challenges that require innovative solutions. As he navigates the complexities of modern politics, he must find a way to bridge the gap between opposing sides and heal the deep divisions that threaten the fabric of American society.