
Green Bay Packers running back Josh Jacobs recently had an eye-opening experience with the Milwaukee Fire Department regarding grill safety. Jacobs learned that over 10,600 home fires are started by grills, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Witnessing a controlled explosion of a charcoal grill, Jacobs realized the potential dangers of grilling, especially when alcohol is involved and children are present.

Reflecting on his experience, Jacobs emphasized the importance of being cautious while grilling and being aware of potential risks such as weather conditions and the presence of flammable items near the grill. He also highlighted the importance of staying informed and following safety protocols to prevent home fires.

During his time with the firefighters, Jacobs had the opportunity to wear a fire-safe suit and assist in extinguishing flames, giving him a newfound appreciation for the weight and importance of the gear. He expressed gratitude for the experience and the opportunity to raise awareness about grill safety.

As the Fourth of July approaches and grills are fired up for summer cookouts, Jacobs encourages everyone to prioritize safety while having fun. By being informed and taking necessary precautions, everyone can enjoy a safe and enjoyable grilling experience. Remember to stay updated on sports news by following Fox News Digital’s coverage and subscribing to the Fox News Sports Huddle newsletter.