
Back in 2007, Kamala Harris, who was a DA at the time, presented written testimony to Congress that was not entirely her own. She borrowed almost 80% of her statement supporting a loan repayment plan for local prosecutors from an Illinois DA, Paul Logli, a Republican. This is not the first time Harris has been caught plagiarizing. As California AG, she published a report on sex trafficking that included a fictional story of a rescue that never actually happened, changing the location to San Francisco. Even though these instances of plagiarism have been exposed, they have not received the attention they would have in the past, raising questions about Harris’s integrity as a politician.

Harris’s lack of original policy proposals is evident in her campaign, as she even stole the idea of no taxes on tips from a Republican opponent. Additionally, she has been accused of lifting entire sections from her policy book, “Smart on Crime.” Even The New York Times, which initially supported her, had to acknowledge her plagiarism. This pattern of dishonesty should be alarming, especially in a political figure. Despite these revelations, Harris’s lack of core principles and questionable background raise concerns about her suitability for leadership.

In a recent interview, Harris was asked about her honesty regarding her observations of President Biden’s behavior, to which she responded positively without providing any substantial insights. Her evasiveness and lack of transparency in addressing concerns about Biden’s fitness for office further underscore her credibility issues. Similarly, when questioned about transgender rights, Harris failed to provide a clear stance, deflecting the issue by referring to existing laws.

These instances highlight a pattern of dishonesty and evasion in Harris’s responses to critical questions. Her lack of clear policy positions and a consistent moral compass raise doubts about her ability to lead effectively. As voters evaluate her candidacy, it is essential to consider these integrity concerns and hold political figures accountable for their actions. Despite attempts to downplay her past plagiarism and lack of transparency, Harris’s track record speaks volumes about her character and credibility.