
Former President Trump had been leading in the polls after President Biden’s disastrous debate performance, but things have shifted once again. Vice President Kamala Harris quickly became the presumptive 2024 Democratic nominee after Biden ended his re-election bid. Now, the race is back to being a margin-of-error contest, especially in crucial battleground states.

Recent Fox News polls in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin show Trump and Harris tied. In traditionally blue states like Minnesota and New Hampshire, where Republicans have struggled to win, Harris is leading by a small margin. Veteran GOP pollster Tony Fabrizio predicts that Harris is currently experiencing a “Honeymoon” phase, where she may see a temporary boost in the polls.

Fabrizio warns that Harris’s honeymoon period will eventually end as voters refocus on her record and policies. He believes that her liberal stance on various issues could turn voters away. On the other hand, Democratic pollster Chris Anderson suggests that it’s too early to predict the outcome. He believes that Harris may still see a bump in the polls as the reality of her nomination sinks in.

As the campaign progresses, Harris will have the opportunity to solidify her position through events like choosing a VP pick and the convention. These milestones could help her maintain momentum or lead to a decline in her support. The race for the White House continues to be unpredictable, with both candidates facing challenges and opportunities in the coming months. Stay tuned for more updates on the 2024 campaign trail to see how the race unfolds.