
A Kansas man named Stan Herd has gained attention for his latest piece of art, a giant portrait of Vice President Kamala Harris in a field in Lawrence, Kansas. This artwork serves as a tribute to Harris, who is currently running for president on the Democratic ticket. Herd, who runs Stan Herd Arts and is associated with Earthworks, explained that he created this portrait to show his support for women in leadership roles, not just in the United States but worldwide.

This is not the first time Herd has created art related to Vice President Harris. He previously made a portrait of her and President Biden when they were elected four years ago. Herd expressed his hope that Biden would pave the way for a new generation of leaders, which influenced his decision to create the portrait of Harris.

The portrait of Kamala Harris took Herd 12 days to complete and required 25 yards of mulch. He utilized natural resources from the Earth to bring his vision to life. Herd shared his excitement about the project, stating that he hopes it will resonate with people and make a positive impact.

In addition to the Harris portrait, Herd had plans to create artwork featuring Gretchen Whitmer but decided to wait due to unforeseen circumstances. He mentioned adding a question mark to the piece and expressed his eagerness to create a new portrait once the decision on the upcoming vice president is finalized.

Despite the possibility of facing backlash for his political artwork, Herd remains undeterred. He acknowledged that retaliation could be a part of his journey and expressed his desire for political tensions to decrease over time. At 73 years old and a native of Kansas, Herd has been creating art for four decades. His work has been showcased in 13 U.S. states and internationally in countries like China, Cuba, Australia, and Brazil.

Herd’s dedication to using art as a form of political expression highlights the power of creativity in sparking conversations and promoting positive change. Through his unique approach to blending agriculture and art, he has captured the attention of many and sparked discussions about the role of women in leadership and the importance of political activism. As his artwork continues to gain visibility, Herd remains committed to using his talents to make a difference in the world.