
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign is facing financial strain as it struggles to secure a spot on state ballots and navigate legal challenges from opponents. The campaign has accrued significant debts and had to resort to laying off staff members to focus on the costly ballot access battle.

According to federal filings and interviews with sources familiar with the campaign, the lack of funds has forced the campaign to cut back on events and other typical campaign activities. Fundraising has slowed down, prompting Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, to contribute an additional $2.5 million to the campaign.

In response to the financial challenges, allies of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have established a new organization called the Ballot Freedom Fund. This group aims to raise money to support legal challenges related to ballot access, providing some relief to the campaign’s financial burden. The Ballot Freedom Fund operates separately from the campaign and can raise unlimited funds, but cannot coordinate with the official campaign.

Former campaign employees, including some who were recently laid off due to financial constraints, expressed concerns about the campaign’s current state. Despite their worries, many of them remain supportive of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and are speaking out of a sense of urgency to address the campaign’s struggles.

The creation of the Ballot Freedom Fund highlights the critical importance of ballot access for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s candidacy and underscores the rallying cry it has become for his campaign. As the campaign continues to grapple with financial difficulties, the support from allies and the establishment of the legal fund may provide some much-needed assistance in the challenging road ahead.