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Kenora Newspaper Under New Ownership

In a recent development, the Winnipeg-based Klein Group has acquired the Kenora Miner and News, along with the Winnipeg Sun tabloid and another Manitoba newspaper. The change in ownership is set to take effect on June 1, bringing a fresh perspective to the local news scene in Kenora.

The president and CEO of the Klein Group expressed excitement about the acquisition, highlighting the importance of providing unbiased news to the community. He emphasized the need for credible news sources and stated his commitment to delivering quality journalism to readers in the Lake of the Woods region.

As part of the transition, the new owner plans to engage with the staff at the acquired papers to better understand the needs and preferences of their respective audiences. With a background in publishing and a belief in presenting all the facts without bias, the Klein Group aims to uphold the tradition of trusted journalism in these important markets.

The purchase of the newspapers was the result of months of negotiations, with discussions starting as early as January. While the financial details of the sale were not disclosed, the focus remains on ensuring a seamless transition and maintaining the integrity of local journalism.

Commitment to Unbiased Reporting

The new owner, a former Manitoba legislator and cabinet minister, reassured the public that the Kenora Miner and News will not promote any political agenda under his leadership. Instead, the emphasis will be on providing accurate and unbiased news coverage to the community.

With a dedicated team of investors who are passionate about local journalism, the Klein Group is poised to bring a fresh perspective to the newspapers under its ownership. By prioritizing the needs of readers and fostering a culture of transparency, the new owner aims to uphold the values of quality journalism in the region.

Embracing Change for the Future

As the Kenora Miner and News undergoes a change in ownership, the community can look forward to a renewed focus on delivering unbiased news and engaging storytelling. With a commitment to serving the needs of readers and upholding the principles of journalistic integrity, the new owner is set to usher in a new era of local news coverage.

In conclusion, the acquisition of the Kenora Miner and News by the Klein Group signifies a new chapter in the newspaper’s history, with a renewed dedication to providing unbiased and trustworthy journalism to the community.