The Federal government pays billions, the countries can decide whether to use the money to children in day-care centres better care or to relieve the parents of fees. The Union gave up their resistance against the second possibility, for which the SPD has to be used. The funds for the good purpose you have for safety’s sake, in the name of the law is written, will flow on the VAT to the countries.
Manfred Schäfers
economic correspondent in Berlin.
F. A. Z.
the Parliamentary Secretary of The Union faction in the Bundestag, Michael Grosse-Brömer (CDU), confirmed on Tuesday the coalition’s internal compromise. According to his information, the countries are allowed to spend the money for the improvement of the quality as well as for a contribution to the relief of the parents. This Wednesday, the relevant Committee will advise finally, on the compromise. On Friday, the draft law is then, in the morning as the first item on the agenda of the Bundestag. Then the template goes directly to the Federal Council.
a total of 5.5 billion euros are Planned until 2022. The Federal government waived to the extent and for claims from the sales tax. Federal Minister of family Affairs Franziska Giffey (SPD) expressed confidence that the Federal government will in the longer term, to engage. “The financial framework initially, our goal is to go further,” said the SPD-politician in RBB-info radio. “It’s not just a Federal funding program, but we will bring a law to
effects expected to improve quality hardly
As the Institute of the German economy in Cologne has calculated that there is still a lack 273.000 day-care places for children under three years of age. Because more parents want to care for their offspring, always a need for more places. Since August 2013, parents have a legal right to a childcare place for children, which are not older than twelve months and younger than three years. The number of children, day-care facilities, or day-care people take care of, is increased according to the Institute, in the five years up to the beginning of March 2018 by 193,000 to 790.000.
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) had immediately announced after the Cabinet decision in September on how it intends to use the money from Berlin. “We will be using in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the Federal funds for the free kindergarten,” announced the former Minister for family Affairs. 1. January 2019 they wanted to relieve the parents who have two or more children in the nursery. You paid only for a maximum of a parental contribution. “1. January 2020, we create the parental contributions for day care, Kindergarten, nursery and day care will then be complete.“
the country to increase its expenditure on day-care centres. The joint welfare Association has warned only a few days ago, the announced improvement of quality in day-care centers threatened to fail in practice. According to his findings, is to be feared that the majority of States will use the additional funds primarily for the refinancing of the fees or other already scheduled projects. Significant effects on the improvement of quality in nurseries are hardly to be expected.