
Labor Dispute Impacts Weyburn School Events and Lunch Supervision

The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation has initiated a job action, beginning an indefinite work-to-rule campaign due to an impasse in negotiations with the provincial government. This development has led to changes in the schedule at Weyburn Comprehensive School.

Initially scheduled for Tuesday evening, the Grade 12 Academic and Scholarship Awards ceremony has been rescheduled to take place during the school day. The awards will now be presented on Tuesday afternoon at 1:45, with guests and scholarship sponsors requested to arrive at the Cugnet Center by 1:30 p.m.

In response to the work-to-rule action, the South East Cornerstone Public School Division has adjusted lunchtime supervision arrangements. Teachers will no longer be providing supervision during lunch hours, prompting a request for parents to have their children go home for lunch if possible. Additionally, the school division is seeking assistance with noon-hour supervision and encourages those available to reach out to their local school.

Despite the challenges posed by the job action, preparations for graduation ceremonies are underway as school administration collaborates with parent committees to ensure that ceremonies can proceed outside of regular school hours.