
Lamar Shaw Dominates 2024 Mid-USA Pro Classic Physique Show | Exclusive Coverage

Lamar Shaw emerged victorious at the 2024 Mid-USA Pro Classic Physique show, showcasing his exceptional physique and talent. The event, which took place on Saturday, Jun. 1, 2024, in Albuquerque, NM, featured a competitive lineup of seven IFBB Pro League athletes.

Shaw’s stellar performance not only secured him the top spot in the competition but also earned him a coveted qualification to compete in the prestigious 2024 Classic Physique Olympia scheduled for Oct. 10-13, 2024, in Las Vegas, NV.

The final standings of the show are as follows:
– Lamar Shaw (United States)
– Jeremiah Willies (United States)
– Louiege Bascog (United States)
– Camilo Diaz (Colombia)
– Jorge Tabet (Spain)
– Kirk Anderson (United States)
– Matt Orchard (Australia)

Lamar Shaw, who clinched the first-place title, demonstrated remarkable improvement since his second-place finish at the 2024 Optimum Classic Pro on May 25, 2024. The judges unanimously awarded him with all first-place votes, marking his first victory since the 2022 Warrior Classic event and the second of his career. Shaw’s upcoming participation in the 2024 Olympia will mark his debut on that prestigious stage.

Jeremiah Willies, the second-place finisher, put on a commendable performance despite not securing the top spot. Willies, who was already Olympia-qualified following his victory at the 2024 Fitworld Pro on April 13, 2024, remains a strong contender in the physique competition circuit.

Louiege Bascog, who claimed the third-place position, showcased significant progress compared to his previous performance in 2023, where he ranked 10th. This achievement marks Bascog’s highest rank to date in his third pro season.

As the competition season progresses, three upcoming Olympia qualifiers are set for June 8-9, 2024: the 2024 Toronto Pro Supershow in Toronto, ON, Canada, the 2024 Bharat (India) Pro in Delhi, India, and the 2024 Oklahoma Pro in Tulsa, OK. All three events serve as 2024 Olympia qualifying contests, promising more thrilling action in the world of physique competitions.

Stay tuned for more updates and exclusive coverage on the latest developments in the bodybuilding and fitness industry.

Featured Image: @centerpodium on Instagram

Roger “Rock” Lockridge has been a prominent figure in the fitness industry for over a decade, combining his passion for writing and training. With a wealth of experience and expertise, Lockridge continues to provide valuable insights and coverage of major events in the fitness world. Join us in celebrating the dedication and excellence of athletes like Lamar Shaw as they continue to inspire and push the boundaries of physical fitness.