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How to organize the tidying up of your house before leaving on vacation? This question often comes up when packing. Nevertheless, for several years, programs and books on the subject have continued to multiply. The best known in the field of organization is Marie Kondo. This 38-year-old Japanese woman has revolutionized the world of storage. Indeed, his method is recognized in many countries. Discover in our slideshow other tips for tidying up your house before the holidays without getting lost.

More than a method, Marie Kondo’s books are considered a true philosophy. Whether in her guides or her series L’art du tidying up by Marie Kondo, where she helps families who are unable to organize their housing, the latter learns above all to respect the objects that surround us. Indeed, before getting rid of their garment, Marie Kondo asks her customers to thank these objects that have spent time in their home. But this practice also reveals how difficult many people are to sort.

Faced with the observation that most people find it difficult to part with their belongings, the Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe) carried out a special operation in 2021. Indeed, according to information collected by France Inter, 21 control households were selected to be helped to sort their homes. Most of the French people in the study underestimated the share of objects they owned.

In general, the people in the study thought they had 34 electrical appliances in their household. In reality, this number amounts to 99. Of these objects, 6 of them are never used. This experience enabled the households concerned to part with an average of 31% of the elements of their home. For clothing, this figure reaches 37%. If you want to obtain the same result, discover in our slideshow below the method of the 5 boxes proposed by the site of the minut’rit.