
President Biden recently announced a new policy that provides legal protections for around 500,000 undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens. This action is considered one of the most significant steps taken to safeguard immigrants in the country in years. While some Democrats have praised this move, there are concerns among immigration advocates regarding the longevity of the program.

The new policy offers a shield from deportation, a pathway to citizenship, and the authorization to work legally in the United States for these undocumented spouses. This initiative is part of President Biden’s efforts to strike a balance on the contentious issue of immigration. Just a couple of weeks ago, he introduced stricter border policies, suspending long-standing guarantees that allowed anyone setting foot on U.S. soil to seek asylum.

In addition to the protections for undocumented spouses, President Biden is expected to announce measures to facilitate access to work visas for young undocumented individuals, often referred to as Dreamers. This move aims to address the concerns of progressives who were reassured by White House officials that the president would also extend help to undocumented immigrants who have been residing in the country for an extended period.

This announcement comes as President Biden prepares to commemorate the 12-year anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which shields individuals who arrived in the U.S. as children from deportation. The White House is set to hold a ceremony to celebrate this milestone and highlight the new protections for undocumented spouses.

Overall, this policy change signifies a significant shift in the approach to immigration issues in the United States, providing relief and opportunities for hundreds of thousands of individuals who have been living in uncertainty for years. It reflects President Biden’s commitment to finding a balance between enforcing border security measures and offering support to undocumented immigrants who have established roots in the country.