(Paris) Gabriel Attal and several of his ministers will run again in the early legislative elections on June 30 and July 7, those involved announced on social networks.

The Prime Minister will represent himself in his constituency, the tenth of Hauts-de-Seine, in Vanves, where he was elected with 59.85% of the votes in 2022, against the socialist Cécile Soubelet (40.15%), according to her entourage.

He made this announcement to the Renaissance deputies on Tuesday morning, before whom he promised to go “to the end of (his) duty” to “avoid the worst” in these elections, where the far right is the favorite.

His name is among the more than 150 incumbents re-invested Tuesday evening by the presidential Renaissance party.

Among her predecessors at Matignon, Elisabeth Borne will stand again in the 6th constituency of Calvados.

After hesitating, the outgoing president of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet will return to the campaign in the 5th constituency of Yvelines.

Second in the protocol order of the government, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire, who did not run in 2022, confirmed Tuesday that he would not be a candidate, during a campaign launch meeting in Eure.

In this department, his former constituency fell two years ago into the hands of the National Rally.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin will run again in the 10th district of the North to “clarify things”. He denounced Monday on TF1 a “confusion” on the left and called on the LR to “join” the majority because the National Rally “is 100 billion in expenses, without any revenue in return”.

Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné, who is also secretary general of the Renaissance party and will be responsible for “organizing” the campaign, is seeking to present himself, and his name is circulating for several constituencies in Paris or in the near western suburbs, according to several sources within the majority.

Ministers Marc Fesneau (Agriculture), Stanislas Guerini (Civil Service) and Jean-Noël Barrot (Europe) will also be candidates. As well as Thomas Cazenave (Budget), Olivia Grégoire (SME), Marie Guévenoux (Overseas), Frédéric Valletoux (Health), and Sarah El Haïry (Childhood).

Former LR Catherine Vautrin, Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity, will not run but will “fully support” Renaissance candidate Laure Miller elected in 2017 in her former constituency, the 2nd of Marne, we learned AFP with the minister’s entourage.

Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry and Energy, announced that he would run again in the 1st constituency of French people living abroad, calling for a “large liberal, democratic and resolutely social gathering” against the “peril » from the far right, favorite data.

Marie Lebec, Minister Delegate in charge of Relations with Parliament, will again be a candidate in the 4th constituency of Yvelines. She called on X “all Democratic and Republican good will” to support her against the “populists”.

Government spokesperson Prisca Thevenot announced that she would once again be a candidate in the 8th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine.

Fadila Khattabi, Minister responsible for People with Disabilities, will run again in the 3rd constituency of Côte d’Or against the “extremes”.

Aurore Bergé, Minister responsible for Equality, will run again in the 10th constituency of Yvelines.

Franck Riester, Minister Delegate in charge of Foreign Trade, will be a candidate in the 5th constituency of Seine-et-Marne.

Guillaume Kasbarian, Minister Delegate for Housing, will be a candidate again in the 1st constituency of Eure-et-Loir, as will Dominique Faure, Minister Delegate in charge of Rurality, in the 10th constituency of Haute-Garonne.

The Secretaries of State Patricia Miralles (Veterans), Marina Ferrari (Digital), Sabrina Agresti-Roubache (City and Citizenship) and Hervé Berville (Sea) will also be candidates.