According to the latest projections from INSEE, price increases are expected to slow to 2.6% in June 2024 over one year. For its part, the Banque de France forecast that inflation would stand at 2.5% in 2024 after an average of 5.7% in 2023.
Food inflation should continue to decline – it could fall to 1.9% over one year at the end of June, according to INSEE – in the wake of the decline in agricultural producer prices (-10% over one year).
For 2024, all economists are indeed counting on a continued slowdown in inflation, but not all necessarily agree on the tempo. Some are also less optimistic, nuance MoneyVox. This is particularly the case of Patrick Artus, economic advisor to Natixis, for whom inflation should stand at an annual average of 3.4%, as reported by our colleagues at Les Echos.
If these forecasts are confirmed, certain investments risk again showing a negative real rate in 2024. In other words, the net tax returns on these supports will not be high enough to protect you against rising prices, points out MoneyVox.
As an example, we can cite the Housing Savings Plan, the remuneration of which increased by 0.25 points on January 1, 2024. Because despite this revaluation, the PELs opened in 2024 will only yield 2.25% ( raw). That is significantly less than inflation.
Conversely, other investments are capable of beating inflation. These savings vehicles yield (at least) 3% and should therefore allow you to protect your purchasing power, or even improve it despite the rise in prices.
Below, in our slideshow, are 7 investments to protect your savings against the rising cost of living in 2024: