In 2023, more than 92% of French households will be equipped with a Linky meter. Fires, espionage, waves, explosion of the invoice… Rumors and fantasies around the yellow anise device are legion. If the box finds many detractors, it also has qualities and in particular makes it possible to follow its electricity consumption in real time or almost.
On its official website, Enedis describes the smart meter as an “ecological transition accelerator”. “The Linky smart meter allows you to control your consumption and therefore your bill. It is the tool for consuming less and better. Thanks to a precise view of your daily consumption in the customer area (…) everyone can now act on their habits and save energy”, specifies the manager of the electricity distribution network.
Among the detractors of the Linky meter, some claim that the box is the cause of frequent power cuts. But here it is: if your network is unstable and your electricity meter tends to cut out, the solution to your problem surely lies elsewhere… In our slideshow below, discover five tips to avoid power cuts in your home.
In the event of a power cut, the first instinct to have is to ring the neighbor’s bell to find out if the cut is general or not. If your neighborhood is also affected, you have only one option: wait. If not, check the position of your circuit breaker: “depending on the device models, it is on if the button is on “I”, if the black button is pressed or if the joystick is up”, explains Engie.