
Liquid Death has recently issued an “apology” on LinkedIn regarding the behavior of its fictional spokesperson, The Deep, from Amazon Prime’s show The Boys. In a new campaign, The Deep is seen promoting Liquid Death’s flavored sparkling water with agave by educating children about the health risks associated with sugary drinks. However, his unconventional methods, such as making kids drink cups of sugar and exposing them to second-hand smoke, have raised concerns.

The Deep, a parody of DC’s Aquaman, is known for his dim-wittedness in The Boys, making him an unlikely choice as a spokesperson for Liquid Death. The brand’s VP of creative, Andy Pearson, publicly apologized on LinkedIn, acknowledging that this is the second failed attempt to work with The Deep. Previously, The Deep was fired from his role as the brand’s chief sustainability associate after a controversial PSA in which he burned plastic near children.

Despite being convinced by Vought International to give The Deep another chance as a health and wellness ambassador, Liquid Death decided to terminate their relationship after the latest video incident involving cigarettes and second-hand smoke. Pearson emphasized that the company does not support exposing minors to tobacco products and has cut ties with The Deep for good.

In the world of marketing, Liquid Death has collaborated with agencies like Party Land and Humanaut, with Moxie Communications Group serving as their PR agency. The brand’s decision to part ways with The Deep comes as they prepare for the Season 4 premiere of The Boys on June 13 on Prime Video.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible advertising and partnerships, especially when targeting young audiences. While The Deep’s character may be entertaining on screen, real-life implications must be carefully considered when promoting products, particularly those aimed at children. Liquid Death’s swift response to the situation demonstrates their commitment to ethical marketing practices and protecting the well-being of consumers, especially the most vulnerable members of society.