
A pet owner from Glasgow, Scotland, Catherine Sophie, recently embarked on a month-long vacation across Italy with her beloved three-year-old Maltese dog, Teddy. Sophie, who is an actress, often travels for work and enjoys having Teddy as her companion. The duo jetted off from Glasgow to Rome at the beginning of April 2024, ready to explore the sights and sounds of Italy.

Sophie shared that she spent approximately $900 on transportation costs to ensure Teddy could accompany her on the trip. This included the airline’s pet fee and necessary vaccinations for Teddy before traveling to Italy. Despite the expenses, Sophie expressed that it was completely worth it to have Teddy by her side during the leisurely adventure.

During their month-long stay in Italy, Sophie and Teddy visited various cities including Rome, Bari, and Civitavecchia. They stayed in dog-friendly Airbnbs and even navigated public transportation together, providing Teddy with a unique experience while allowing Sophie to practice her Italian language skills.

The pair explored popular attractions such as the Colosseum, the Vatican, and even visited Sophie’s great-grandfather’s war grave. Despite the challenges of traveling back to Glasgow with Teddy, Sophie ensured that he could accompany her in the main cabin of the airplanes by taking a longer route from Rome to Amsterdam, then to Dublin, and finally to Scotland via Belfast.

Although the extended journey back home cost Sophie an additional $450, she emphasized that it was a necessary expense to have Teddy by her side throughout the trip. Sophie acknowledged that taking Teddy on a luxurious European vacation was her responsibility as his owner and expressed satisfaction with how smoothly the travel arrangements went.

In total, Sophie spent around $900 solely on transportation costs for Teddy to join her on the Italian adventure. The experience was a dream come true for Sophie, who cherished the opportunity to explore Italy with her loyal canine companion. For more heartwarming stories and lifestyle articles, visit Brittany Kasko, a lifestyle production assistant with Fox News Digital, contributed to this article.