
State Regulation of A.I. Amid Federal Inaction

Lawmakers in California have been at the forefront of efforts to pass new laws regulating artificial intelligence (A.I.) in order to protect consumers and jobs. With about 30 new measures in the pipeline, California is leading the charge in imposing some of the strictest regulations on A.I. technology in the nation.

The proposed bills aim to address concerns raised by technologists about the potential negative impacts of A.I., such as job displacement, disinformation in elections, and national security risks. Some of the key provisions include rules to prevent discrimination by A.I. tools in housing and health care services, as well as safeguards for intellectual property and jobs.

California’s proactive approach to regulating A.I. comes as federal lawmakers continue to drag their feet on the issue. The state has a history of setting the bar for tech consumer protections, having previously passed laws on user data privacy and child safety. State Assembly member Rebecca Bauer-Kahan emphasized the importance of states taking action in the absence of federal regulations to protect their citizens.

While federal regulation of A.I. remains uncertain, state legislators across the country are stepping up to fill the void. Nearly 400 new laws related to A.I. have been proposed at the state level, with California leading the pack with 50 proposed bills. These state laws are likely to have a significant impact on tech companies nationwide, as compliance with varying state regulations can be challenging.

In conclusion, as states like California forge ahead with A.I. regulation, it is clear that state governments are playing an increasingly important role in shaping the future of technology policy in the absence of federal action. The push for state-level A.I. regulations highlights the growing recognition of the need to address the potential risks and challenges posed by advanced technologies.