
Before Mark Kelly became a senator, he was an astronaut and co-founded a company that focused on spy balloons, partially funded by a Chinese venture capitalist with ties to the Chinese Communist Party. World View, based in Tucson, Arizona, was established in 2012 with the goal of providing space tourism using stratospheric balloons. However, as the company’s technology advanced, they pivoted towards providing remote sensing services to defense, scientific, and commercial customers.

While World View initially received venture capital from Tencent, one of China’s largest corporations, concerns arose regarding Tencent’s data collection practices through its mobile app WeChat. This raised questions about potential surveillance and control by the Chinese government. Despite Tencent’s initial investment, World View clarified that Tencent has no current involvement or influence over the company’s operations.

The connection between World View and Chinese investors has sparked controversy, especially in light of a surveillance balloon incident in February 2023, where a Chinese balloon was shot down off the coast of South Carolina. This event raised concerns about Chinese spying on the U.S. and heightened tensions between the two nations.

Mark Kelly distanced himself from World View in 2019 to focus on his U.S. Senate run, ensuring that his financial interest in the company was placed in a blind trust. While reports suggest that Kelly introduced space tourism technology to Tencent USA, he has downplayed the extent of his interaction with the company. Despite inquiries, Kelly has not provided further comments on the matter.

As Kelly’s political profile rises, his involvement with World View and its ties to Chinese investment could become a potential point of scrutiny. Republican operative Daniel Scarpinato highlighted this as a possible political liability for Kelly if he were to be selected as a candidate for vice president. While World View offers various remote sensing services beyond surveillance, including services to industries like oil and gas, utilities, mining, shipping, and insurance, concerns about foreign influence and surveillance remain a focal point.

In the midst of these developments, it is essential for public figures like Mark Kelly to address any potential conflicts of interest and ensure transparency in their business dealings. As the political landscape evolves, the spotlight on individuals’ past associations and business ventures will continue to shape public perception and accountability in leadership roles.