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Martin Amidu Accuses Asiedu Nketiah of Corruption

In a shocking turn of events, former Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu has made explosive allegations against NDC Chairman Johnson Asiedu Nketiah. Amidu launched a scathing attack on Asiedu Nketiah, accusing him of engaging in various illegal activities. The former Attorney General accused the NDC Chairman of tarnishing his image without verifying the authenticity of a petition reportedly filed by him. Amidu also accused Asiedu Nketiah of using his power to benefit his son by acquiring an oil and gas company. These accusations have raised serious questions about the credibility and integrity of the NDC Chairman.

Asiedu Nketiah’s Alleged Corruption Exposed

Amidu did not hold back in his accusations against Asiedu Nketiah, revealing details about the NDC Chairman’s alleged involvement in corrupt activities. He accused Asiedu Nketiah of being appointed to the Board of the Parliamentary Service by a corrupt NDC Speaker of Parliament, despite a conflict of interest. Amidu also questioned the ownership of the Catering Rest House in Tamale, which he claimed was sold to an NDC bigwig by the state-owned Social Security and National Insurance Trust. These revelations have cast a shadow of doubt over Asiedu Nketiah’s integrity and moral character.

GhanaWeb Campaigns for Organ Donation Legislation

In a bid to advocate for comprehensive legislation on organ harvesting, donation, and transplantation in Ghana, GhanaWeb has partnered with the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital. This collaborative campaign aims to raise awareness and push for the passage of laws that will regulate organ-related practices in the country. By shedding light on the importance of organ donation and transplantation, GhanaWeb and Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital are striving to make a positive impact on the healthcare system in Ghana.