
A medical intern in Thailand showed incredible bravery and skill when she fought off a drunk nurse who attempted to sexually assault her. Petcharaporn Phadungjai, 22, revealed that her Muay Thai boxing training since childhood helped her defend herself against the attacker. She used her instinctive reactions to protect herself and successfully kicked, kneed, and punched the nurse to escape the dangerous situation.

The CCTV footage captured the terrifying moment when the nurse approached Petcharaporn from behind and tried to grope her. With quick thinking and her self-defense skills, she managed to drive him back and free herself from his grip. The intern’s courage and determination to fight back saved her from a potentially traumatic experience.

In her first public statement after the incident, Petcharaporn shared that the nurse had been flirting with her during her internship, but she had dismissed it as harmless teasing. However, when he crossed the line and tried to assault her, she knew she had to fight back to protect herself. The hospital where she worked reported the incident to the police and took action by firing the nurse.

Thailand faces a significant issue with sexual violence, with reports indicating that at least seven women are sexually assaulted or abused every day in the country. Petcharaporn’s story sheds light on the importance of self-defense training and the need for women to be prepared to defend themselves against potential attackers.

The young intern’s bravery and quick thinking serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of being able to protect oneself in dangerous situations. Her story is a testament to the value of self-defense skills, especially for women who may be vulnerable to attacks. By sharing her experience, Petcharaporn highlights the importance of staying vigilant and being prepared to defend against any form of abuse or assault.

As Petcharaporn continues her work as a medical intern, her story serves as an inspiration to others facing similar challenges. Her determination to fight back against her attacker and her resilience in the face of adversity are qualities that deserve recognition and respect. Through her actions, she has shown that courage and self-defense skills can make a life-saving difference in critical situations.