This break-in went wrong: A man broke into a house in India during a heatwave. But instead of stealing anything, the man made himself comfortable in front of the air conditioning.

Amid a heatwave in India, a drunk man fell asleep during a break-in in an air-conditioned house. Police found him fast asleep on a pillow on the floor. Local media such as India Today reported this on Monday, citing police sources.

Neighbours had previously alerted the absent homeowner after noticing the open front door. The man had actually wanted to steal something, but when he noticed the air conditioning in the living room, he turned it on and made himself comfortable, it was said.

Only a minority of people in India can afford air conditioning. In Lucknow, where the incident occurred on Sunday, temperatures are expected to reach over 40 degrees Celsius during the day – and around 30 degrees at night.

As Deutschlandfunk reports, heat waves from April to June are not unusual in India. However, scientific findings show that they are becoming longer, more intense and more frequent due to climate change.

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