
Former First Lady Melania Trump is expected to play a significant role in advising her husband, former President Donald Trump, on who to choose as his running mate for the 2024 presidential election, according to a former White House insider. The insider revealed that Melania will not hesitate to voice her opinion on who she believes would be the best fit to join Trump in his bid to reclaim the White House.

Melania’s influence on Trump’s choice of a vice presidential candidate is not new. In the 2016 election, Melania reportedly ensured that a candidate with a clean and safe background, free from any scandals, was selected as Trump’s running mate. This decision led to the selection of former Vice President Mike Pence, who was chosen for both the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections due to his spotless record.

As the 2024 presidential election draws closer, speculations are rife about who Trump will pick as his running mate. Recent reports have suggested that Trump and Melania have a close relationship with North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and his family. Melania has worked with Burgum’s wife, Kathryn, on various initiatives during Trump’s presidency, indicating a strong bond between the two couples.

While it remains uncertain whether Melania will publicly endorse Burgum as a potential vice presidential candidate, her history of offering valuable suggestions to her husband cannot be overlooked. Melania has reportedly advised Trump on issues related to public perception and trust, showcasing her behind-the-scenes influence on key decisions during the Trump presidency.

In a recent interview, Trump hinted that he already has a good idea of who his vice presidential running mate will be, but the official announcement is expected to be made during the upcoming Republican National Convention in July. The convention, scheduled to take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, will serve as the platform for Trump to unveil his chosen running mate to the public.

Overall, Melania Trump’s role in shaping her husband’s decisions regarding his vice presidential pick underscores her influence and importance within the political sphere. As Trump navigates the complex process of selecting a running mate for the 2024 election, Melania’s insights and recommendations are likely to play a pivotal role in determining the final candidate.