The Union is pushing for war refugees from Ukraine to find employment in Germany more quickly. “We must strive to better integrate these refugees who are here and will stay here for a longer period of time into the labor market,” said parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz on Tuesday in Berlin. “We need them, and the right incentives must be put in place for this.” This is a task for politicians and not primarily for refugees.

As is the case elsewhere in the labour market, the citizen’s allowance does not provide the right incentives to seek employment. Therefore, a discussion must be held about this – in a way that does justice to the people who fled the war.

“Their protection in Germany must not be called into question,” said Merz. It is about refugees who are able to work, not children and the elderly. The CDU leader stressed: “We are committed to helping Ukraine in the future.” This applies to supporting the country itself. “And the same applies to the refugees who are with us.”

CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt called at the weekend for refugees to be sent back to safe areas in Ukraine if they do not accept work in Germany. “More than two years after the start of the war, the principle must now apply: take up work in Germany or return to safe areas of western Ukraine,” he told “Bild am Sonntag”.

Dobrindt said on Tuesday that Germany would continue to meet its humanitarian responsibilities. “But this also includes ensuring that people can find work as part of an integration process.” The “root cause” of the lack of people finding work so far is the citizen’s allowance.

Since June 2022, war refugees from Ukraine have been able to receive basic social security benefits (now known as citizen’s allowance) – instead of the lower benefits under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act. The federal and state governments agreed on this at the time. The change was also justified by the fact that refugees from Ukraine are entitled to a residence permit directly and do not have to wait for a decision like asylum seekers.