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Only three days left before the start of vacation for our ministers. Indeed, the latter were asked to “participate in the work, explains Emmanuel Macron, until the end of the planned parliamentary session”, before being able to relax. They must therefore “continue their function until Sunday August 7” informed government spokesman Olivier Véran.

All the ministers were also on Wednesday evening to participate in an informal dinner, organized in the gardens of Matignon by Elisabeth Borne. She indicated, in the columns of Le Figaro, that she wanted to continue her “collective animation work”.

The President of the Republic insisted that these holidays be governed by strict rules. In this sense, the ministers will be able to “both recharge their batteries” but will remain “mobilised”, he said in a press release. The Minister of Health will monitor the evolution of monkeypox: “He will continue to follow all the files in progress, in connection with his cabinet and the services of the ministry”, confided a source of his entourage to the newspaper.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne had indicated in a circular a week ago that the destination chosen had to be a maximum of two hours from Paris by plane, in the event of an emergency. In addition, ministers must remain contactable several times a day, and the postal and email addresses of their resort locations are recorded. Discover in the slideshow below the places where ministers will spend their summer holidays in 2022, according to Le Figaro.