
A bridge near a Minnesota dam is at risk of collapsing into the Blue Earth River due to heavy rain and flooding. The County Road 9 bridge, located near Mankato, is approximately 40 years old and needs proper structural reinforcements to prevent a potential disaster. The Midwest has been facing severe weather conditions with rising water levels in the Blue Earth River, putting the Rapidan Dam’s structural integrity to the test.

The Rapidan Dam has already experienced a partial failure, resulting in a house near the dam falling into the river and a nearby store being demolished. The dam, situated about 14 miles south of Mankato, has faced significant challenges due to the relentless force of nature. The public works director for Blue Earth County, Ryan Thilges, expressed concerns about the bridge’s stability as the gushing water has washed away sediment that provided support to the piers.

Efforts have been made to shore up the west pier of the bridge with loose stones as an emergency mitigation strategy. The bridge has been closed since the dam began to overtop, prioritizing public safety. Governor Tim Walz has acknowledged the possibility of the bridge collapsing and assured locals that it will be rebuilt with shared funding to alleviate the financial burden on county commissioners.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved a federal disaster declaration for 22 counties in Minnesota affected by flooding. State funding from the Minnesota Legislature will also be provided to assist communities in recovery efforts. The Rapidan Dam, built in 1910 for electricity generation, has been repeatedly damaged by flooding in recent years. An assessment in April 2023 classified the dam as being in poor condition, prompting discussions about potential removal.

As the situation unfolds, officials are closely monitoring the bridge and dam to prevent any further damage or potential collapse. The community’s safety remains a top priority, and resources are being mobilized to address the challenges posed by the extreme weather conditions. Despite the looming threat, residents can find reassurance in the commitment to rebuilding and restoring essential infrastructure in the affected areas.