
A climber on Mt. Hood in Oregon had a miraculous rescue after surviving a 700-foot fall on a steep, icy route near the mountain’s peak. Chris Zwierzynski, a 55-year-old climber from Arizona, slipped around 11,200 feet on the Old Chute route, a very steep climbing route on the mountain’s south side, at 7:45 a.m. The snow surface was frozen, causing him to tumble about 700 feet down to the Hot Rocks area and sustain critical injuries.

Fortunately, two off-duty military medics witnessed his fall and rushed to help. Additionally, two Mt. Hood National Forest climbing rangers provided immediate first aid to the injured climber. Rescuers were able to reach Zwierzynski’s location by 1 p.m. and stabilize him for transport off the mountainside.

A National Guard helicopter performed a hot landing on the Hogsback section of the mountain due to favorable flight conditions. The ideal weather conditions on the mountain allowed rescuers to airlift the injured climber off the mountain within six hours of his fall.

While there was no immediate update on Zwierzynski’s condition, officials warned climbers about the dangers of the mountain. Mark Morford of Portland Mountain Rescue emphasized that all routes up the mountain are technical and require specialized training and equipment. Climbers are advised to seek proper training from organizations like the Mazamas or climb with qualified guides to ensure safety.

Mt. Hood, located about 50 miles southeast of Portland, rises to an elevation of 11,249 feet. Despite the good climbing conditions that have persisted longer than usual this year, officials stress the importance of being prepared and knowledgeable about the risks associated with climbing the mountain. Inexperienced climbers may be lured into dangerous situations beyond their skill level as routes become increasingly difficult approaching the summit.

It is crucial for climbers to understand the challenges and risks involved in climbing Mt. Hood and to take necessary precautions to ensure their safety and well-being. The rescue of Chris Zwierzynski serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of mountain climbing and the importance of being prepared for any situation that may arise.