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CDPQ Infra to Release Mobility Report Independently

The Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) will be releasing its own report on the state of mobility in the Capitale-Nationale. According to our sources, a press conference will be held around mid-June. “We will submit our report to the Quebec government in June, as planned,” stated Michelle Lamarche, spokesperson for CDPQ’s subsidiary, Infra, via email. “We will then proceed to present this report and inform the public about all the work and analysis that led to our recommendations,” she added. The mayors of Quebec City and Lévis will have a private presentation before the public unveiling of the report.

Independent Entity for Mobility Recommendations

Mayor Marchand welcomes the fact that CDPQ will be presenting the results of its analysis of mobility issues in Quebec City to the public. “People will be completely reassured by the fact that an independent entity is coming forward to say what Quebec City needs in terms of structuring transport,” argued Bruno Marchand. “Let’s come together, the government and us, and move forward!” In light of the unveiling of an art piece at Place de Paris, Bruno Marchand described the government’s decision to pause the tramway project last fall as a “sidestep.” He expressed hope in being able to quickly start the construction of a structured transport network in Quebec City.

Social Acceptance Crucial for Transport Projects

When asked whether he agrees with Yvon Charest, president of the organization J’ai ma passe, who believes the Quebec City tramway should be built regardless of public support, Mayor Marchand responded, “Social acceptance is not a result, it’s a process.” He further stated, “Once these projects are completed, in general, in the vast majority of cases, they are appreciated and people would not go back.” Bruno Marchand reiterated his plea for the addition of transportation options for citizens to allow different road users to move more efficiently throughout the territory.

In conclusion, the emphasis on social acceptance and the necessity for an independent entity like CDPQ Infra to provide recommendations for mobility in Quebec City highlights the importance of public involvement in transport projects.