
The mother of Jonathan Lewis, a Las Vegas student who was tragically killed, is speaking out against the plea deal agreed upon by the four teens accused of his murder. The teens, Damien Hernandez, Dontral Beaver, Gianni Robinson, and Treavion Randolph, originally faced murder charges but pled guilty to voluntary manslaughter, leading to their case being moved to juvenile court.

Melissa Ready, Jonathan’s mother, expressed her disappointment in the plea deal, stating that she was blindsided by the decision. She had been informed by the district attorney that the teens would plead guilty to murder and face at least two years in the adult system. However, the plea deal reached was for voluntary manslaughter in juvenile court, which would seal the criminal records of the four teens.

Ready emphasized that she does not believe there is justice for her son’s murder with this plea deal. She was hoping for a harsher punishment that would leave a mark on the teenagers’ records. The lawyer representing one of the teens mentioned that the plea deal has not been officially entered in juvenile court, and sentencing will take place at a later date.

Jonathan Lewis was found severely beaten in an alley near Rancho High School in North Las Vegas and later passed away in the hospital. His mother is determined to seek justice for her son and ensure that those responsible for his death are held accountable.