
Former President Donald Trump made a claim that Pelosi’s daughter told him they would be perfect together. However, Christine Pelosi, one of Nancy Pelosi’s daughters, responded to this claim, calling it a lie. She emphasized that Trump’s obsession with her mother shows his unfitness for the White House.

Nancy Pelosi’s spokesperson, Aaron Bennett, also chimed in, stating that Trump has “clearly lost his marbles.” On the other hand, Trump’s spokesperson, Steven Cheung, defended the former president, saying he speaks the truth.

Nancy Pelosi has been serving as a Democratic U.S. representative from California since 1987. She led the House from 2019 to 2023 and was a target during the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol. Despite their history of criticism towards each other, Pelosi and Trump have remained at odds.

During the riot, one of the attackers mentioned targeting Pelosi, although there was no evidence to suggest an intent to harm her. The rioter, Dawn Bancroft, was later sentenced to 60 days in prison for her involvement in the January 6 events.

Trump’s recent visit to the Capitol marked his first return since the January 6 riot. Prior to the violence, Trump had encouraged his supporters to “stop the steal,” alleging election fraud in the 2020 election. Representative Matt Gaetz described the visit as a “pep rally for President Trump.”

As the situation continues to unfold, it is evident that tensions between Pelosi and Trump remain high. The exchange of remarks and allegations highlights the ongoing political divide in the country. Despite the differing perspectives, both sides remain steadfast in their positions, setting the stage for potential future conflicts.