
Rep. Barry Loudermilk, who is leading the investigation into the events of January 6, has revealed that military officials may have intentionally delayed sending the National Guard to the Capitol on that day. According to Loudermilk, this delay could have cost lives, as the presence of the National Guard may have helped to prevent some of the violence that occurred.

While House Democrats have previously blamed former President Trump for the delay in deploying the National Guard, Loudermilk’s investigation suggests that military officials under the Defense Secretary were responsible for the decision. He emphasized that Trump had delegated the authority to call in the National Guard to the Secretary of Defense, but military officials may have acted against his wishes.

Pelosi’s office responded to these claims by stating that Trump had the power to order a National Guard response at any point during the Capitol attack, but chose not to do so. The investigation also uncovered footage showing military officials assuring lawmakers that the National Guard had been activated, despite the delay in their arrival.

Overall, the investigation led by Rep. Loudermilk raises questions about the decision-making process that led to the delayed deployment of the National Guard on January 6. The findings suggest that there may have been miscommunication or concerns about optics within the military leadership that contributed to the delay, highlighting the need for further scrutiny and accountability in such critical situations.