
In elder care settings, conflicts such as arguments, verbal abuse, and aggression are unfortunately not uncommon. According to experts, better staffing and training can help ease tensions in these situations.

For example, at an assisted living facility in New York State, a researcher witnessed a woman becoming frustrated and tired while waiting for the dining room doors to open. When she asked the man in front of her to move, he did not respond, so she shouted at him and even pushed her walker into him.

In another incident in Salisbury, Md., a woman with dementia woke up to find another resident in her bedroom multiple times. The resident, who lived down the hall, did not harm her, but the woman’s daughter reported the incidents to the administrators because her mother valued her privacy.

In long-term care facilities, residents can engage in behaviors like yelling, threatening, insulting, invading personal space, and even physically harming others. Gerontologist Eilon Caspi from the University of Connecticut found 105 resident deaths in long-term care facilities over three decades resulting from incidents involving other residents. However, he believes the actual number is higher as not all incidents receive media attention or are reported to authorities in detail.

To address these issues, it is essential for facilities to have adequate staff who are well-trained in conflict resolution and dealing with challenging behaviors among residents. By implementing strategies to prevent and manage conflicts, such as clear communication, staff support, and creating a safe environment, the quality of care for elderly residents can be improved.

In addition, family members and loved ones of residents should also be involved in the care process and encouraged to report any concerning behaviors or incidents to the facility administrators. Open communication and collaboration between staff, residents, and families can help create a harmonious and safe environment in long-term care facilities, ensuring the well-being and comfort of all residents.