
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, known for her roles in “Seinfeld” and “Veep,” recently shared her thoughts on political correctness in comedy during a podcast with Trevor Noah. She emphasized that comedy is still thriving and that people are not being restricted from making jokes. Louis-Dreyfus expressed her support for evolving and adapting to changing societal norms.

Noah agreed with Louis-Dreyfus, pointing out that what may be considered acceptable today may not be the case in the future. He highlighted the importance of being aware of sensitivities and evolving with the times. Louis-Dreyfus echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the need to understand different perspectives and sensitivities in comedy and drama.

In a previous interview with The New York Times, Louis-Dreyfus had disagreed with her former co-star Jerry Seinfeld on the topic of political correctness in comedy. She acknowledged that while it’s essential to be mindful of sensitivities, it doesn’t mean that all comedy should be discarded. Louis-Dreyfus emphasized the importance of being attuned to societal changes and evolving sensibilities.

Seinfeld had sparked controversy with his comments about the impact of political correctness on comedy during an appearance on the New Yorker’s Radio Hour. He criticized the “extreme left” for making comedy too politically correct and driving it off television. Seinfeld lamented the lack of comedic content on television and blamed political correctness for stifling creativity and humor.

It’s clear that the debate around political correctness in comedy continues to be a topic of discussion within the entertainment industry. While some believe that sensitivity and awareness are essential in evolving comedy, others argue that political correctness may hinder creativity and humor. As comedians navigate this landscape, it’s crucial to strike a balance between respecting sensitivities and preserving the essence of comedy as a form of entertainment.