
A reader wrote in seeking advice on how to deal with feelings of frustration and inequality in financial support from their parents when it comes to college tuition. The reader’s younger sister has chosen to attend an expensive private college, despite being accepted at more affordable state schools with scholarships. The reader and their brother had to choose colleges based on price and take out loans, while their sister is not being asked to do the same. The reader is unsure whether to raise this issue with their parents, as they do not want to seem ungrateful.

In response to the reader’s question, it is important to acknowledge the feelings of inequality that may arise within families when it comes to financial support. While the parents’ financial situation may not have changed, the burden of educating three children may have lightened over the years. This change in circumstances could explain why the parents are able to provide more financial support to the younger sister.

The reader should consider what they hope to achieve by addressing this issue with their parents. Given the reader’s respectful and understanding tone towards their parents, it may be more beneficial to seek acknowledgment of the unequal treatment rather than asking for a change in their sister’s financial support. Alternatively, the reader could also consider asking for assistance in repaying their own loans.

Ultimately, the reader’s approach to this situation should be guided by their desire to maintain a positive relationship with their parents and address any feelings of inequality in a constructive manner. Communication and understanding are key in navigating complex family dynamics, especially when it comes to financial matters related to education.