
Just over a week after the shocking incident where Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania, the neighbors of the 20-year-old shooter are still reeling from the aftermath. The community is struggling to come to terms with the “evil” that was present right in their own neighborhood.

One neighbor, who lives close to the Crooks’ home, expressed sheer fear at the realization that such a dangerous individual lived nearby. The proximity of the shooting to their homes has left a lasting scar on the neighborhood, with residents grappling with the fact that such a horrific event took place just down the street.

Another woman who frequently ran through the quiet neighborhood where Crooks lived shared her shock at passing him multiple times without any interaction. Despite her attempts to greet him, Crooks always seemed distant. The news of the shooting being so close to home left her feeling surreal and unsettled.

An elderly woman down the street revealed that while she didn’t have much interaction with Crooks, he would often help her with household chores. The fact that someone who lived so close could commit such a heinous act left her shocked and angry.

After the shooting, the neighborhood was flooded with reporters and police vehicles, and residents closest to the Crooks’ home were evacuated for safety reasons. The heavy police presence and bomb investigation only added to the tension and unease in the community.

Investigators combed through the neighborhood, questioning residents and looking for any signs of unusual activity. The depth of the investigation surprised many, as the neighborhood was thrust into the spotlight due to the actions of one individual.

Despite the chaos and disruption, residents expressed relief that things were finally calming down. The return to normalcy, however, has been slow, with barriers still in place and the usual bustle of the community yet to return.

Overall, the neighbors of Thomas Crooks are still trying to make sense of the tragedy that unfolded in their quiet neighborhood. The sense of shock and disbelief lingers, but the community is resilient and determined to move forward from this dark chapter in their history.