
Netflix is facing a lawsuit for $170 million from a woman who claims she is the real-life inspiration behind the character Martha in the hit series “Baby Reindeer.” Fiona Harvey has filed a lawsuit against Netflix, alleging defamation, emotional distress, negligence, and violations of her right to publicity.

In the lawsuit, Harvey alleges that Netflix spread false information about her to over 50 million viewers, including claims that she is a convicted stalker and a sexual assaulter. These lies have allegedly ruined Harvey’s life and reputation.

The series “Baby Reindeer,” based on Richard Gadd’s one-man play, portrays a character named Martha who stalks the protagonist, played by Gadd. Despite Gadd’s claims that he changed identifying details about the real-life Martha, internet users quickly linked Harvey to the character based on her social media interactions with Gadd.

Harvey is seeking over $170 million in damages from Netflix, including compensation for mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of business, and punitive damages. The lawsuit highlights the alleged negligence of Netflix in verifying the truth behind Gadd’s story.

This lawsuit comes shortly after Netflix settled a defamation lawsuit with Linda Fairstein, a former Manhattan prosecutor, over the portrayal of her in the docuseries “When They See Us.” As part of the settlement, Netflix agreed to donate $1 million to the Innocence Project and add a disclaimer to the show.

The legal battle between Fiona Harvey and Netflix raises questions about the responsibility of streaming platforms in portraying real-life individuals and the potential consequences of fictionalizing true stories. Harvey’s lawsuit seeks to hold Netflix accountable for the alleged harm caused by the portrayal of her in the series “Baby Reindeer.”