
New Breakthrough in Ovarian Cancer Research

Cleveland Clinic researchers have made a groundbreaking discovery in the fight against chemotherapy-resistant ovarian cancer. A protein known as CD55, which aids in cancer cells’ resistance to chemotherapy and promotes aggressive cancer stem cell growth, has been found in a new location within the cell nucleus.

Dr. Ofer Reizes and his team at Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Research Institute identified CD55 as a key player in ovarian cancer chemoresistance. By studying patient samples and working closely with oncologists specializing in women’s health, they found that CD55’s migration into the cell nucleus triggers a response that enhances cancer aggressiveness.

The researchers discovered that blocking CD55’s movement from the cell surface to the nucleus effectively disrupted cancer growth and reduced resistance to chemotherapy. This breakthrough opens up new possibilities for targeted therapies that could improve outcomes for ovarian cancer patients.

Ovarian cancer is a significant health concern, often diagnosed at late stages when treatment options are limited. By understanding the role of CD55 in cancer progression, doctors and researchers hope to develop more effective treatment strategies that can target chemoresistant cancer cells.

Dr. Reizes and his team are now exploring various therapeutic approaches, including peptide-based drugs and antibodies, to prevent CD55 from migrating to the nucleus. These findings have the potential to revolutionize ovarian cancer treatment and provide new hope for patients battling this deadly disease.