
In the months leading up to the recent debate performance of President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris took steps to defend his mental sharpness. Questions about Biden’s mental acuity were raised in 2023 due to various incidents that raised concerns about his fitness at 81 years old.

Harris responded to inquiries about Biden’s age by emphasizing that his age should not be the sole measure of his abilities. She highlighted his track record of following through on commitments and addressing important issues as indicators of his competency.

Despite some gaffes in 2023, Harris continued to defend Biden, stating that age is more than just a number and that he remains authoritative in his duties. She dismissed concerns about his age as distractions from real issues and political strategies.

As speculation grew about Harris potentially replacing Biden as the nominee, she urged people to move past discussions about his age and focus on solutions and improving people’s lives. Harris emphasized Biden’s intelligence and foresight in addressing national and global challenges based on her experiences working with him.

When a report described Biden as an elderly man with memory issues, Harris rejected the characterization as false and politically motivated. She stood by Biden’s side, defending his demeanor and competency in handling classified documents.

After the recent debate between Biden and former President Trump, Harris defended Biden’s performance, acknowledging that it was not his best but emphasizing that one night should not define the entire race. She urged voters to consider Biden’s overall performance as president rather than a single debate.

Harris’s unwavering support for Biden’s mental competency and leadership qualities demonstrates her commitment to standing by the president despite criticisms and challenges. As the speculation about Biden’s future continues, Harris remains a steadfast advocate for his abilities and dedication to serving the American people.