
House Republicans are expressing their anger towards the Biden administration for allegedly allowing millions of dollars in U.S. humanitarian aid to Afghanistan to fall into the hands of the Taliban. This issue was brought up during a House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee hearing by Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla., who criticized the State Department’s handling of funds in various instances.

Mast highlighted a concerning report stating that $2.8 billion in humanitarian aid was sent to Afghanistan after the chaotic withdrawal in 2021, which resulted in the Taliban regaining control. He specifically mentioned that tens of millions of dollars from this funding ended up directly benefiting the Taliban. This revelation has sparked outrage among Republicans, with Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, calling it unacceptable for any U.S. funding to support the Taliban.

The government watchdog, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), discovered that at least $10.9 million in U.S. taxpayer funds indirectly benefited the Taliban. However, this amount is believed to be just a fraction of what the Taliban actually received through various means like taxes and fees. Mast condemned these findings, labeling them as examples of “America Last” policies that undermine the country’s global influence.

In addition to the Afghan aid controversy, Mast also criticized a $500,000 grant that was mistakenly perceived as promoting atheism in Nepal. The State Department clarified that this was not the grant’s intended purpose, refuting Mast’s claim. Despite the pushback, Republicans remain adamant about holding the Biden administration accountable for ensuring that U.S. taxpayer dollars do not end up in the hands of adversaries like the Taliban.

The ongoing debate over the mismanagement of funds intended for Afghanistan raises concerns about the effectiveness of U.S. foreign aid distribution and oversight. As the country faces competition from strategic rivals like China, Russia, and Iran, it becomes crucial to prevent resources from inadvertently benefiting hostile entities. The Biden administration’s response to these allegations and its efforts to safeguard taxpayer funds will be closely monitored by lawmakers and watchdog organizations moving forward.